We are in the midst of a meme war.
Imagine a frog being slowly boiled in a pot. The frog doesn't notice if the heat increases slowly enough. Let's say, though, that the heat is being turned up fast enough for the frog to notice. The frog gets uncomfortable and tries to hop out, at which point, the sadistic boiler slaps the frog with the epithet "intolerant!" and guilt alone forces the frog to hop back into the pot.
Friends: when you are being boiled alive, intolerance is a survival instinct.We have to choose whether being considered "intolerant" is a worse fate than being boiled alive.
There are people who are ready to build a mosque or "prayer center" on top of Ground Zero. We are told to be tolerant, that we have a separation of church and state, and free speech. Therefore, we should shut up and let them do whatever they want.
First of all, we must remember that this is a MEME WAR. In a meme war, we must be conscious of what other people are trying to pull on us. The people who are behind the GZM are pretending to be extending a hand of friendship, yet they show remarkable insensitivity. Ask yourself: would you try to reach out to people by building something that is against their wishes?
We must realize that for them, there is no separation of church and state. That distinction is solely a Western concept and exists only in the United States. For them, religious conquest is political conquest is racial conquest. It is a meme war, and the religious and political are both aspects of the same meme.
Second, we should ask ourselves: why are we always supposed to be the tolerant ones? There is an old saying (maybe not so old) that if you have an argument between a tolerant person and an intolerant one, the latter always wins because the tolerant one will always try to find some way of appeasement in order to get along. Why is tolerance a unilateral phenomenon?
If any kind of "bridge" can be made between two peoples, it must be made on a basis of reciprocation. If one side is always giving and the other side is always taking, it is not a mutually beneficial relationship. Their objective is to invade and destroy us, like Communism, but faster. They hate us. The fact that we do not hate them does not in any way change the fact that they hate us. We pretend that our lack of hatred is reciprocated, but that is a delusion that must be overcome if we are to survive. To them, our lack of hatred is a weakness that they are exploiting.
Look at actions, not words, because words are deceptive. We cannot expect other cultures to adhere to our values of honesty, reciprocity, freedom, etc. These are Western values, and if we expect the rest of the world to value them, or even understand them, then we are sadly mistaken, which will allow them to control the discourse which means the meme war.
If we are to survive, we must adapt. We must learn. We must act. If we are accused of being intolerant, then we must accept that being intolerant is the only thing that can save Mr. Frog.