It occurred to me that public servants enjoy their positions way too much, particularly the legislature.
It seems to me that instead of being paid positions, congress and senate should be like jury duty: something you get picked to do by some random process and have to serve the time, making decisions.
Now, you might say that the quality of our law would deterriorate. I think not. Have you read the laws coming out of there? The language is often intentionally vague, if not downright misleading. It seems to me that if you had some regular people from different walks of life (like a jury) making this stuff, they'd do a better job of creating honest laws.
Also, when you think about it, every new law is a government expansion. It is a new restriction of some sort. Now, most of us would agree upon certain laws, such as murder and so on, but there are a lot of laws that are decreed ex cathedra that we're just supposed to suck up.
These legislators just have too much time on their hands. They want to get paid, and they want to look like they're getting paid for a reason. They want us to think that their work is worth our money. Well, suppose we did what BO is doing to private health insurance? Suppose we "removed the profit motive" from working for government. That would "incentivize" them to do a better job, right?
Really, the government is just another corporation now, only it is one that doesn't actually earn your money because they can take it by force.
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