There is this article about an ex-Muslim girl who is afraid that her own father will kill her because she converted to Christianity.
Tolerance, as an ideal, is not universal. We, Americans, are being brainwashed into a kind of listless tolerance for everything un-American. On the other side, everyone else learns to be more intolerant of us. It is a one-sided meme war.
When asked by CNN, the girl's father said: "We are not bad people. We are not like that, we are normal."
What does "normal" mean? In America, we had this idea of normal meaning having normal American values. However, in a multicultural America, the word loses all meaning. There are many "normals," and we are not allowed to consider the imposition of our own code of conduct on others. In some parts of the world, it is normal to kill a girl for the crime of being raped. In some parts of the world, it is normal to decapitate people for changing religions. So, when someone says "normal people" it has meaning there. When someone says "normal people" in a culture that has defined itself into nonexistence, as Americans have been brainwashed into doing, it is entirely meaningless.
So, is it by accident or by design?
It is by design.
For those new to this blog, you might want to start by reading the 45 stated goals of the communists here.
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