Sunday, February 7, 2010

Concise description of the meme war

Memes and genes co-evolve. In some cultures this is more obvious than in others. A culture belongs to a race, and the memes that go with that culture have evolved to give that race advantages and which help perpetuate the race's genes. A race that chooses poor memes cannot compete with a race that chooses good ones, and so the culture affects racial propagation and vice-versa.

If that is the case, then it might be possible for one race to subvert the memes (culture) of another race, leading to an advantage to the aggressor. This works if the first culture is immune to the memetic attack, or if the memes are structured in such a way so as to only affect the members of the other race.

In short, the meme war is a race war.

Who are the players? It does not matter. What matters is that each one of us is immune to the memetic attacks of the other. Unfortunately most people don't know what memetic attacks look like, so they are not only vulnerable, of often carriers for the memetic self-destruct code.

Cultures have evolved many different kinds of memes. For simplicity, they can be lumped into two broad categories: collectivist memes and individualist memes.

Collectivist memes work for the group. The general principle is that the individual is sacrificed for the good of the group. Collectivist memes are highly effective in times of war because group members are willing, sometimes eager, to sacrifice their own lives for the good of the group. The problem is: if there are no wars, the collective must find some other reason to sacrifice people, or else people revert to the more natural and instinctive individualist memes. For this reason, collectivist memes are predominant in tyrannies. One must force them on people, for why should people sacrifice for the "greater good" when they, themselves, who are part of that "greater good," are only made to suffer? A delusion is required: that the "greater good" is outside themselves, that other people, somewhere, form the group, to which the individual must constantly sacrifice.

Individualist memes are what you find in free countries, in which people have the most freedom to do what they want. They compete with one another on an individual level for food, shelter, and mates. Individualist memes focus on individual morality and individual responsibility. In peaceful times, people are mostly concerned with their own welfare and that of their kin, and the "greater" whole, or group, is regarded for what it is: a fiction.

What we are seeing now is a tendency to shift people from individualist memes to collectivist ones. It is a deliberate indoctrination campaign that has been planned and implemented by forces from outside.

Shifts in the cultural meme structure does sometimes happen naturally, when there is an attack from outside, and people naturally band together to protect their own. During these times, people invoke the word patriotism, to get others to join the cause and become part of the collective, for collectives are absolutely unstoppable war machines. When the war is over, however, there must be a shift back to more individualist memes.

What we are seeing today is a perpetual war between variously defined groups, which have the effect of perpetuating the collectivist agenda within these groups. So, collectivist memes have been predominating in this climate, making the way for global tyranny possible.

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