Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The news these days is all about gun control. There is a pattern here.

First, the legislation has no effect on gun violence. If they were serious, they would look at the statistics. CCW states have less crime. The legislation is not aimed at the kinds of weapons that are used in crimes, but against the kinds of weapons that are used in uprisings.

Also note that the government is not interested in doing anything to stop violence in general: only gun violence. They are afraid of an armed citizenry. Why would a government that represents the will of the people be terrified of those very people they pretend to represent? Why are they afraid of armed citizens? Perhaps they do not represent us. If so, whom do they represent? I wonder.

However, the most striking notion to me is Joe Never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste Biden's philosophy. The whole concept is appalling if you follow the logic. In essence, when a tragedy occurs, the entire nation is emotionally vulnerable. The country is still reeling from the Sandy Hook shooting, and then the government swoops in to pass new anti-gun legislation.

So,to summarize, they wait for the country to be emotionally vulnerable, then they quickly get us to commit to an action (while we are still vulnerable) that has long-term consequences that they know we will regret later.

In interpersonal relationships, what do you call someone who does this? What if someone took advantage of a girl when she is emotionally distraught, and got her to do something she would later regret for the rest of her life? What kind of person is that?

That is the kind of person who is running the country. You, who voted for him, I wonder how you live with yourselves.

Then again, perhaps I am thinking in old-fashioned Victorian morality, in which such things as honor, virtue, and respect applied to regular folks, and were not just neurolinguistic programming contrivances. I don't keep up with modern ideas. Maybe taking emotional advantage of people is cool now, but in my day, we had a word for such people, and it was not flattering.

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