Friday, August 24, 2018

What is wrong with Hollywood?

Let's discuss misandry. Misandry has been driving men away from the box office, away from television, and now from video games: the last refuge that men have in a misandrous world. Examples:

  • Ghostbusters
  • The Last Jedi
  • Ocean's 8
  • Terminator 6

The Last Jedi should have been named The Last Straw, because many fans of the hitherto successful franchise decided to stop watching Star Wars movies. It's not because they no longer like Star Wars, it's because they can't stand to look at the shambling undead thing that their previous love has become. The feminists at Disney have finally won: they have made Star Wars fans no longer care about Star Wars. That feeling of numbness in the soul, of torpid apathy, of anhedonia: those are the feelings that they are going for. As a result, later Star Wars movies just did not do well financially. Look at the Solo movie. Most of the die-hard Star Wars fanbase, if unexposed to the Disney Star Wars films, would have waited in line for a week to see a Solo-driven Star Wars film. However, after what Disney has done to this intellectual property, it received a cold reception. Is Disney unconcerned or ignorant?

"It's the customers that're wrong! They ought to want to be educated! They are trolls! They are haters! They are ruining everything!" So They say.

This model can't last forever: eventually, The Cathedral will run out of money. But they just can't stop doing it. It's like some sort of mental illness: an obsession. They can't even begin to understand why their formula doesn't work:
  1. Take a brand/intellectual property/genre that has done well in the past by appealing to a largely male audience.
  2. Replace the male leads with women and include men only in insulting roles.
  3. Attack the fans when they don't like it.
They can afford to fail in the box office because they still have some money left over from the days when they were successful. Rather than donating that money to a church or synagogue, they are offering up these abominable products to their god of Progress. It is a sacrifice to The Cathedral. They don't expect to make money. They don't want to make money. Financial success would mean that they are not properly "schooling" their audience. Anything that is "popular" is not an acceptable sacrifice. Critics have come to hate their audience, and therefore judge the value of something by how few people enjoy it. 

These acts of atonement will continue either until they feel that they have appeased their weird gods, run out of money, or wake up from the nightmare of ideological obsession. 

Their gods, though, are bottomless pits of self-righteous indignation. They cannot be appeased, because they only exist as expressions of dissatisfaction.

They might run out of money, but not immediately. If they're really smart, they'll put out a few sensible pictures here and there to keep them afloat, so they can continue their "great work" of indoctrinating the masses. Ironically, they'll consider their successful movies as sacrifices for their art, but it's really the other way around.

I put small odds on the last possibility because we're not talking about a single individual, but a whole culture. It's groupthink on a grand scale. All these mentally-deranged people are influencing one another and acting as enablers for their awful decisions. It's a cult, put simply, and cultists typically ignore the reality around them because they are focused exclusively on the reinforcement from the cult. So long as the cult continues to reward poor choices with praise and applause, those poor choices will continue to be made. 

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