Sunday, March 14, 2021

Biden's military

We've been watching the ideological mind-virus slowly eat away at common sense, and our country, for  years now. Carl Jung wrote that one of the greatest dangers to civilization is mass psychosis. We are seeing this happening right now: a denial of common sense in favor of a delusional world-view that must constantly (and aggressively and increasingly violently) defend itself from reality.

The military has become ideologically compromised and will continue to rot unless something happens. I do not see anything happening, though, when all the country's leaders are under the influence of the same mental malady.

The reason we do not want women in the military is not because they are weaker (though they are) or because they're stupider, but because they are more valuable. You have a military to protect your women from the enemy, to protect your children (born or unborn) from the enemy. If you are putting your women and children on the front lines, then what is the point of having a military? It's as stupid as it gets.

Even though we politely refrain from outright admitting that men are expendable and that women are precious creatures that need protection, we still treat men as expendable, while allowing women to go wherever they want, wear whatever hairstyles they want, and force people in "power" to lower standards for them, accommodate them, and provide them with careers. Meanwhile, men still have to buzz their heads, meet hard physical requirements, and suffer from the usual emotional abuse that they had before. It becomes obvious that men and women are treated differently, and this will no doubt create animosity within the ranks. Women are a privileged class of human beings, and to deny it just creates a sort of doublethink. They don't "break" women down and build them back up again, as they do men. They just let women be themselves, and the men should be wondering why their identity is expendable, while women are allowed to keep theirs.

Imagine Operation Overlord from WWII. We put thousands of men on that beach in Normandy, knowing that they would die. Men swarmed up the sand and were mowed down like grass by German machine guns, but we kept putting more men there until the Germans were overwhelmed. Thousands of men never made it off that beach. Imagine, though, if all those men were women. Would we have gone through with it? I think not. I think our military would have not wanted to have so many women's deaths on their hands, and would have chickened out. Now imagine a dial that magically controls the ratio of women to men in the military. Adjust that magic dial to change men to women or women to men. Where would you put that dial, that ratio of women to men, to barely make the approach to Normandy a viable decision? Would you be satisfied with 50/50? Would you put it it more 20/80? If people are honest with themselves, and they try to imagine the scenario without knowing the outcome, they would probably not risk nearly the same number of women as men to go through with it.

Then, there is the natural instinct for men to protect women. On the battlefield, men are often sacrificed. This happens. It is regrettable, but that's how war works. That's why men are the warriors. If you put women out there, the men will not want anything to happen to the women, and officers might go out of their way to put themselves in danger to rescue women. That's just how men are. We have been conditioned to put women first on the lifeboats, out the emergency exits, etc. By default, in the natural order of our society, women outrank men.

But isn't the military better with more diversity?

Diversity is NOT what the military is about. Soldiers are trained to be fighting units of a group. You are not supposed to stand out or be different in any way, but to be a replaceable part in a machine of lethality. Any part can be replaced (male expendability) and each part is identical to the other parts, leading to the reliability of the group. If you introduce diversity within the ranks, you break the machine. That's the reason for wearing a uniform: to erase diversity and treat everyone the same.

Women also form their own loyalties. They are loyal to their sex, which conflicts with loyalty to their country, or loyalty to their commanding officer or to their unit. They form these loyalties, and these loyalties are not broken from them, but encouraged. You have a structure within your command structure that might conflict with the command structure. The communists use these conflicting loyalties to compromise our military. This is the whole reason that we have women in the military. It started with communist indoctrination, and it ends with total ownership of our military through women who take orders only from other women.