Sunday, July 26, 2009

The government's War On Clean Living.

While we're going deeper and deeper into debt, we must stop this strange policy of not supporting drug abusers. After all: they're entitled to indulge in their risky, filthy habits at our expense. It's their lifestyle choice.

Meanwhile, parents who use HIV and hepatitis plagues as a good pretext to scare their kids off of using drugs will have to find some other reason, since Big G has taken care of this issue by supporting the drug users.

What kind of "war on drugs" are we fighting here?

What's next?
A government program to confiscate your car and sell the proceeds for drug users who don't have enough cash for their fix?
A government program to force people into the sex trade in order to raise money for AIDS awareness programs?
A government program to use eminent domain to seize houses and turn them into meth labs?

Why do they even bother to make drugs illegal if they're condoning their use under the table by providing tax-supported needle exchange?

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